February 2023
50-65 years old, ski
January 2023
36-50 years old, ski
January 2023
36-50 years old, ski
Thanks for having us, Bakhmaro!
Fantastic scenery, lucky with the snow, great guides and crew - what else can you ask for? Ah, okay, maybe the great food, the hospitality, the Georgian way of life are also worth mentioning. And not to forget the skiing, the reason for coming here.
I hope to be back soon :)
January 2023
18-35 years old, ski
published on www.powderhounds.com
February 2022
36-50 years old, ski
February 2022
36-50 years old, ski
Was with the team in January 2022 for an amazing week of catskiing. We had little new snow over the week until the end but still skiing powder with our great guide Saba. Amazing alpine and tree skiing and some great areas scoped out.
February 2022
36-50 years old, boarder
This was the most amazing trip and it exceeded all expectations. We didn't get snow for the entire week, but still had fresh snow every day. The guides did a great job communicating and making sure that they saved fresh snow for us every day. Would recommend this to anyone!
January 2022
36-50 years old, skier
published on www.powderhounds.com
In few words...one of the best powder trips ever.
The overall organisation of powderproject team and their soul - Ingo is amazing!
We had an amazing week of skiing Japanese like snow and terrain of your dreams here....the feeling is as you would get yourself into "all you can eat" powder restaurant with Michelin quality
dishes. We skied our guts out each day from dawn till dusk on uncrowded remote Bakhmaro terrains that are accessible only to guests of Ingo and his team. The vision that they have is something am
sure will develop this location much further and to an exclusive level not matched in many places on the globe.
The Pioneers lodge offers amazing housing experience, the food there is amazing and the team heartily breaths with the place. We'll come back for more with 100% certainty!
January 2022
18-35 years old, skier
«I skied in Georgia», wer dies in Nordamerika sagt wird wohl komisch angesehen. Der Bundesstaat ist nicht für Schnee bekannt. Auch im deutschsprachigen Raum, wo Georgien und der US-Bundesstaat voneinander unterschieden werden können, zählt das Land nicht gerade zu den Top Skidestinationen. Dank Organisationen wie dem Powderproject.ch sollte das Land bei Freeridern fett auf der Landkarte markiert werden. Die Region um Bakhmaro ist ein wahres Paradies. Von verschneiten Faces bis hin zu wunderbarem Tree Skiing findet man alles was das Herz begehrt. Oben drauf gibt es bei gutem Wetter eine super Aussicht vom Schwarzen Meer über den Kaukasus bis zum alles überragenden Elbrus. Wenn Ingo noch ankündet: That’s what we call 20cm of fresh snow in Bakhmaro, kann man sich auf eine geballte Portion an Adrenalin und Dopamin in leichtestem Pulver gefasst machen.
Auch in Bakhmaro schneit es nicht jeden Tag. Gerade an diesen Tagen gibt das Team alles und spurt mit den Cats neue, weiter entfernt liegende Gebiete. Sind die neuen Täler einmal erschlossen, greifen die Guides in den Sack aus jahrelanger Erfahrung und Gebietskenntnisse um die besten Hänge zu finden. Dieses tolle Zusammenspiel führt dazu, dass es meines Wissens keine Downdays im Pioneers gibt. Wer sich nun fragt was das Pioneers ist - hierbei handelt es sich um die neue, schön eingerichtete Unterkunft. Auch wenn sie nicht Luxuriös ist, findet man bis zur Sauna und zum Hottub alles was man braucht. Hatten die Männer tagsüber das Sagen, so schmeissen am Abend die Frauen den Laden. Für mich als Westeuropäer war gerade das Essen zu Beginn speziell. So sucht man den in der Schweiz gängigen italienischen Einfluss wie Pasta in der georgischen Küche vergebens. Wer sich jedoch auf die lokale Küche einlässt wird von leckeren Spezialitäten verzaubert und geniesst tollen georgischen Wein. Möchte man sich zum Essen oder sonst zu irgendetwas erkunden fragt man am besten bei Kristi nach. Sie spricht fließend englisch und ist das liebenswerte Bindeglied zwischen den nicht georgisch sprechenden Gästen und den einheimischen Mitarbeitern. Betreibt man trotzdem den Aufwand einige Brocken der ziemlich fremden Sprache zu lernen, wird man von den sonst schon liebevollen Einheimischen noch mehr eingebunden als sonst.
Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, Bakhmaro ist ein Geheimtipp bei dem man vollumfänglich auf seine Kosten kommt, sofern man gewillt ist eine komplett neue (Berg-) Kultur auf sich wirken zu lassen.
December 2021
36-50 years old, skier
Georgia Bakhmaro and Adjara are special places for freeriding in Europe. Actually I should keep them a secret.... and stop right here with telling you about them.
Catskiing with Powderproject is an adventure, fun, well guided by Ingo and team. He will find you the best lines. The accomodation is new and comfortable , the staff is very friendly and cooking amazing Georgian style dinners. Everything is about freeriding ...
January 2020
36-50 years old
published on www.powderhounds.com
January 2020
36-50 years old, skier
published on www.powderhounds.com
January 2020
36-50 years old, skier
published on www.powderhounds.com
February 2019
36-50 years old, boarder
published on www.powderhounds.com
Visited mid Feb 2019. Felt like an adventure. Picked up from Kutaisi airport- transport by minibus until couldn't drive any further. Quick shimmy into skiwear and transfer to a waiting
snowmobile. Another hour or so uphill via abandoned villages - not so many local people own tracked vehicles. Distant yellow light came into view, got larger, only occupied house in an otherwise
empty village. Open the door, into the warmth with laughter, eating and drinking, accordion and singing. Mainly German and Austrian customers, some Brits - maybe around 30 guests in total. All
male. friendly Georgian crew looking after us and operating the equipment. New Zealand and German guides.
We were virtually the only people in the mountain range and there was a LOT of powder, refilled daily. Lots of trees, pillows and jumps everywhere (some massive). Sometimes skiied along roads and
through back gardens. Mixture of boarders and skiers. Most would be advanced or expert. Nice views out to the black sea and to mount Elbrus.
Powerful Cats with good drivers properly trained in Austria. Ingo and his guys scouted the area, widened the forest tracks and basically created an enormous private playground.
Rode hard every day, on the last day we did over 5700 metres of vertical. Downsides - accommodation basic and walls thin so bring earplugs/noise cancelling headphones. Traditional food hearty
rather than gourmet. Quid pro pro of having the mountain to yourself is there are no bars or restaurants in the evenings - so you make your own entertainment. Kutaisi is definitely worth a couple
of days - plenty to see, good restaurants and SO cheap.
Contender for my best winter trip so far and I'm looking to return in 2020.
January 2019
36-50 years old, boarder
published on www.powderhounds.com
We were at Bakhmaro the last week of December 2018. We were looking for a place where there is already snow at this time. We were very happy with our snowboarding trip, the forecast was good,
deep snow.
The guide is very professional and super nice. The lodge team (Georgian staff) is really cool, the lodge is comfortable and we eat really well.
My boyfriend broke his bindings the second day. The staff repair temporarily his bindings and order a new bindings in a shop in town and deliver it the next day morning. When we know the place
(Bakhmaro is lost in the mountain), we can say that Georgians are incredible!
Everything was perfect, this experience is unforgettable!
We hope to come back soon